
My Mom started making this Mayan Special Potato Polenta Bake (or casserole) when I was in senior high school. She enjoyed to experiment with flavors and try recipes, quite often for people on the church potluck. After a few years, we started referring to them as Lynn’s (my mother) flavor testers simply because they basicallyRead more

Keep in mind the ever-popular Sprinkles cupcake era of 2010; when Cupcake Wars was the very best show on TV and premium cupcake shops had been showing up at every part? Cupcakes were adored by the little ones for birthday celebrations but also from the Grandmothers who loved pairing them with a cup of coffee for breakfast.

During that time period I learned that ordinary cupcake tastes almost always disappointed me. WHILE I went to regional cupcake shops, I stuck towards the classica: chocolate with delicious chocolate frosting and sprinkles, strawberry, reddish colored velvet, vanilla birthday wedding cake, etc. They were never magical enough for me to want to return for another.Read more

Each and every Summer since I had been a babes, I’ve attended a family group cabin in Northern Minnesota to celebrate the 4th of July. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite vacations because most of us get together and celebrate with ridiculous little traditions.

It all starts early in the morning when my Godmother (my second Mother) puts an old school Shaggy CD on complete blast. When we had been little, we hated his music having a passion. These days, it does make us chuckle and we stumble out of our rooms breaking up and shaking our mind. NextRead more

Hello from beautiful Scottsdale, AZ! MAY I just say how good it feels to be in warm weather with out a scarf, coating or mittens? I am craving warm sunshine on my pores and skin since early October.

Don’t be concerned though, I’m sure all of those other country will capture up soon. March ‘s almost here, which for me means patio time of year, rooftop pubs, farmer’s markets, biking along Lake Michigan, working outside, berries and ALL THE SMOOTHIES… My love for smoothies continues to be wicked solid since way back thisRead more

Chewy Dark Chocolate Cherry Protein Granola Pubs with Chia Seeds

Chewy protein-packed granola bars made with almond butter, protein powder, dark chocolate and cherries! These gluten-free and vegan-friendly bars are the perfect snack or breakfast time. Did I tell you that Sundays certainly are a big day for me personally? Usually I awaken, hit the fitness center, then head right to the grocery store. FromRead more

How was your weekend? Mine was full of cooking! My roommate and I made arugula salads with fresh fruit vinaigrette, chicken mix fry, and spent hours producing chile verde and the best apple crisp on the planet. Our bellies were happy.

After all of this cooking, I needed to enable you to get something simple: a green chile sauce that continues on top of nearly everything! I’m also an enormous fan of how easy this recipe is. All you have to do can be roast chiles (or it is possible to used canned), place a coupleRead more

I hope you had an excellent 4th of July together with your friends and family!

I did! Summertime cocktails were flowing, potato salad was piled high, burgers were chowed on, parmesan cheese and crackers were consumed, as well as the wedding cake was gone; it was a day filled with endless eating. In fact, I caught myself mindless munching all day. And today that my mind realizes what went down,Read more

Let’s catch up. How have you been?

This week I joined a fresh gym, where I’m quite certain my trainer is either Big Foot, a marine, or a professional wrestler. He teaches my Nike Schooling Camp classes, which certainly are a mix of plyometrics, military drills, cardio, and weights. Actually sweating waterfalls each time I walk out of there; it’s very similarRead more

Garlic Roasted Red Potato Wedges with Olive Oil and Rosemary

During my younger years, my Mom used to provide me along to supermarket while she proceeded to go shopping. I used to be always excited to go on these weekly travels because I understood she would purchase me the crispy wedge fries through the Deli counter. These were extremely delicious and fundamentally everything you needRead more

Happy Brand-new Year, friends! Today marks my last day time soaking up the Florida sunlight! Can’t wait to tell you all about it soon.

In the meantime, I have already been waiting to bring you these AMAZING peanut butter protein balls (that taste just like a a combination between cookie dough along with a peanut butter cup) since late October. The timing just never felt right with all of the vacation goodies. I’m sure you’re more than ready forRead more